Fesenjan - Pomegranate and walnut Persian stew Recipe

Fesenjan - Pomegranate and walnut Persian stew Recipe

  • 13 December, 2018
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1 kg chicken legs or Lamp shanks

500 grams ground walnut

3-4 onions

3 glasses hot water

3-4 glasses Pomegranate juice

2-3 spoons sugar

Cooking oil



Peel onions and slice thinly.  Fry in oil until slightly golden.  Wash chicken pieces or lamb shanks and fry in onions until colour changes.   Add 3 glasses of hot water and bring to boil.  Turn heat down and let boil slowly for about 30 minutes, adding more hot water if needed.

Add salt, ground walnuts and pomegranate juice.  If the pomegranate juice is sour, add some sugar.

Stir occasionally so the walnut does not sit at the bottom of the pan and burn.  Cook gently until chicken is tender and the juice has thickened. You will also be able to see the oil that is from the walnut.

Serve with white rice.

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